Acne Remedies Without Prescriptions
Product Information
Over-the-Counter Acne Remedies
The products in our top acne products review falls into the acne remedies without prescriptions category. You will probably not find these acne remedies in your local pharmacy even though they are considered over-the-counter acne treatments. These are available exclusively through online purchases only. The only product you may find in your local pharmacy is Pro-Activ as it is quite heavily promoted.
The acne remedies you will find in your local pharmacy will most likely be ones you have never heard off. If you do insist on purchasing these types of acne remedies, please consult a dermatologist first. Most of these products are meant to be used topically. That is they are only targeted to be used on the surface of the skin only. This will at most temporary treat your acne but won’t get rid of it. Also don’t take recommedations from families/friends. What works for them may not work for you as each individual’s acne condition is different from one another. Most of these acne remedies will treat mild to medium acne conditions.
Common Ingredients in Acne Remedies
There are two major ingredients that are effective in treating acne. They are Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid.
Benzoyl Peroxide treats acne by fighting acne causing bacteria. It is considered to be the acne “wonder” drug. Most acne remedies will contain this ingredient. It also removes dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. The dead skin cells when combined with sebum (oil) are the cause of whiteheads and blackheads. This will prevents new acne flare ups as it keeps the skin free from acne causing bacteria. The only side effect is that Benzoyl Peroxide can cause dry skin in some people. To prevent this from hapeening, it is recommended that the frequency of use be decreased.
Salicylic Acid treats acne by keeping skin pores clear of dead skin cells. The side effect of over using salicylic acid is dry skin and skin irritation for some people.
These two ingredients are chemicals and as such, you should avoid getting them in your eyes, nose and mouth. More and more people are now trying to avoid these chemicals. Companies, in response, are now using natural ingredients that has the same treating effects as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. There are some companies that are reducing the usage of these two checmicals. The products in our recommended top acne product lists all use natural ingredients to fight acne.
Take a look at our recommended list of acne products.
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